So, did you get that new camera for Christmas this year – or perhaps had a bit of a splurge on Boxing Day? No it’s time to get to know your camera, so you can start taking amazing photos of your kids, as well as friends, family, pets, food, landscapes, nature, or whatever strikes your […]
If you’re a major frugal shopper and are eagerly awaiting Boxing Day for some great deals, how about a new camera bag? But what’s the “best” camera bag for child photographers? We all have different preferences when it comes to purses, laptop bags, etc., camera bags are no different. Unfortunately most of us discover the […]
If you are the owner of a DSLR camera and love taking portrait photos of your kids, then odds are that you’re in the market for a lens to enhance your portrait photography. Unfortunately, there are about a zillion types of lenses out there, making it difficult to decide which one to choose without a […]