Looking to add an extra spark of creativity to the portrait photos of your kids? Adding textures to your images can be a fun way to add a bit of additional interest to kid’s portraits and give them your own creative flare. It’s free and takes very little technical knowledge. Although professional children’s photographers traditionally use […]
If you are the owner of a DSLR camera and love taking portrait photos of your kids, then odds are that you’re in the market for a lens to enhance your portrait photography. Unfortunately, there are about a zillion types of lenses out there, making it difficult to decide which one to choose without a […]
The human eye is a great thing – it can do a lot of things. A camera’s sensor is pretty swell too – but it has its limitations, such as the range of light/darkness it can capture. This is referred to as dynamic range, and understanding it can help you create better images. Low vs. […]
A histogram provides photographers with information about exposure, which in turn can help identify where corrections need to be made to get the “perfect” shot. Understanding how to read the histogram and make corrections will give you an additional tool to ensure that your photos come out as perfectly exposed as possible. What is it? […]
It’s a tough call making the leap from recording .jpg images only to recording .raw files as well. Jpg files are much smaller and they are “done” – there’s no extra steps needed to share or print the files (unless you want to make the edits. However, .raw files do give you a major advantage […]
Have a special someone in your life who loves photography? Or, do you have some great photos that would make excellent gifts? Here are a few ideas on Valentine’s gifts for 2013: Photo Books There are a ton of websites out there that let you quickly and easily upload photos and use customized templates to […]
Considering a new camera? Stuck on what to choose – size, features, lenses, price? Well, here are a few things you may want to take a look at: DSLR or Mirrorless Model? If you’re looking to make the jump from a point-and-shoot or pocket camera, then you’ll want to consider whether you want a larger […]
Working with natural light can be a challenge at times, but having a reflector on hand can be a lifesaver, whether you need more light on a dreary day, or simply want to balance out light on a day with strong sunlight. Affordable, portable, and easy to use, consider adding a reflector if you’ve had […]
Check out the National Association of Child Photographer’s website for Jane’s article on Capturing Your Kids in Action! http://www.napcp.com/blog.php/2013/03/26/capturing-your-kids-in-action/ About NAPCP The National Association of Professional Child Photographers (NAPCP) is a member-based association representing […]